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For almost 160 years, Penn Center has helped our neighbors in need in the community.
The need has never been greater. No donation is too small. Your generosity furthers Penn Center’s mission and its vision. We accomplish more because of your donation. We greatly appreciate your support.
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Our Impact
“This property is so deeply sacred, and we appreciate so much all the continued work and care here. We will tell everyone we know about Penn Center. Well done!”
Darby - North Carolina
“I am so glad that my family made this trip to Penn Center. I learned so much from the tour we took. Important information that is not taught in the classroom.”
Logan - Indiana
“I feel that I have learned so much about myself as an African American after visiting Penn Center. This is truly hallowed ground.”
Kevin - San Francisco
“A necessary part of American history that doesn’t get told is here for the taking at Penn Center. This place is a touchstone for anyone who wants a fuller understanding of the challenge we face in America today. “
Jonathan - North Carolina
“Wonderful place and I love coming back here every year. There is always something new to see and learn.”
Gillian - Canada
“As a young 1st-grade educator, this property is so essential to our American History! This experience was so eye-opening as a teacher with a passion for diversity and inclusion. 10 out of 10 recommend this experience.”
Lydia - Pennsylvania